The issue focused here is the Hispanic culture, their tradition being treated differently and the close knitted communities due to the external environment pressure that also makes people of the community more closer to their religion while in United States today, there are more loose patterns seen when it comes to …show more content…
The summary of my reading and interviews indicated that Hispanic family relies on the religion as Catholic or Protestant values greatly and as it is proven they include it in the childhood education as well. This kind of learning impacts the lifelong beliefs. The families are strongly knotted together through celebrations and traditions. The families spend quality time together. The interviews showed that the youth of the family tend to participate in the traditional celebrations and wedding enthusiastically since they have developed their identity with the culture and unique patterns of celebrations. The family interviewed also agreed that religious values and traditions as well as wedding celebrations are all linked and develop the social lives of the people. The Hispanic communities are closely linked also because of the religious celebrations and unique traditions they follow. This way the Hispanic gets to develop a strong sense of …show more content…
According to my article readings, there are nineteen religious holidays and twenty-four special days in Hispanic culture. Some of these events are Semana Santa, The San Fermín Festival, Celebration of the flowers, and the day of the dead when the dead are remembered and showered with prayers. Other festivals include Hispanic thanksgiving that is pretty much like the general American thanksgiving. The differences are the traditional foods including the Green chili chicken, tortillas, tamales, , tacos and various spice flavored sauces as well as gravies. The family gathering that are often loud and full in number represent the bonding of family and their love. What was revealed in the interviews indicated that the holidays and festivals are the mean to get connected not only with family, but with belief, religions, loved ones and the roots of Hispanic communities that are strengthened in every possible way through celebration, festivals and