Hispanic girl and her old American lover. This couple is having drinks at the bar while having an intimate conversation that eventually turns into a debate. The couple find themselves in a moral conflict. The moral conflict of this story is that the young lady, named Jig, is pregnant and interested in starting a family and having a loving relationship with her older American counterpart, who remains nameless throughout the story. It becomes clear that a family is just something that he is not ready for. After reading this story carefully, I believe that Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills like white Elephants” significantly demonstrates numerous amounts of metaphors, irony, and imagery found in the dialogue to convey a deeper meaning that has the potential to correctly portray human behavior in society today. …show more content…
In this essay I will analyze cover identify the author’s deeper meaning of the “Hills like white Elephants” and how this can easily portray the aspect human behavior in today’s society.
Hall 2
The first significant topic in the story while reading the “Hills like White Elephants” was the point of view. I found that this story is told in a third person point of view. I felt as if the author or the narrator of this story only implied things that were seen along with the dialogue instead of describing what the characters felt. I had to use my own imagination to draw a conclusion on how the characters really felt. An example of this was the both characters describe the setting of the atmosphere. The nameless American man in the story puts a lot of emphasis on heat and oppression, while the young lady puts more emphasis on the lines in the hills and how they were bright and sunny. In my opinion, the author is setting the tone for a central underlining conflict between the characters. The author is not only setting the tone for conflict he is also setting the tone for communication issues. Throughout the entire dialogue both parties will not admit that anything is wrong. My view is that usually in the beginning of relationship there is a ton of conflict because of the lack of communication. I feel that this is something that has not changed since this story was published. As I continue to read this short story, I notice that the author gives little information and background about the characters. I believe that Hemingway used a lot of irony so that you can use your imagination to get the background about the characters. The Author gives you several clues that describes the characters in the story. The dialogue in the story allowed me to get a great description of the American man in my head. I could tell that he was very controlling and manipulative, he could also speak Spanish which lead me to believe that he was educated or had done a significant amount of traveling and picked up on the language. The female character Jig, from what was described in the dialogue, was not given a title as his wife so that led me to believe that she was only his lover. Just observing human behavior in today’s society I find that some male still like to take control in today’s society. I also find that a lot of people are not in Hall 3 relationships but still like the idea of having a companion or lover. Jig also could not speak Spanish. I can tell by some of the metaphors that Jig uses that she doesn’t have much and is longing to much more. I feel as I am reading this that Jig feels the American man can provide this for her. The clues