High School Sleeping

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Sleeping School is a place for children to be educated, but how is this possible when students are falling asleep in class. Studies show that on school nights, almost half the population of teens goes to bed later than ten o'clock even though they have to get up early the next day. For teens especially, it is hard to wake up early because of changing hormones. Kids also have busy schedules, but that should not get in the way of sleep. The schools should take action and do something to keep kids awake in class. The school day is a bit early in the eyes of many children, especially for those attending high school. Most of the teens stay up later than ten, and don't get enough sleep. "For most school age children, 10 1/2 up hours is ideal" (Park). By going to bed later than ten, students only get about seven to eight hours of sleep. This can be very harmful to their bodies. One way to accommodate with this …show more content…
Sometimes students have an overload of homework, especially those who attend high school. And, many of these high schoolers have many extracurricular activities. "Lauren Schloss, 10, tries to get to bed on time. But it seems like something always comes between her and her pillow" (Park). Schools often give a lot of homework which takes forever to complete. On top of that, like Lauren, many children other things to do apart from school. This helps support that schools should give less homework to keep students awake during class time. Schools across the United States should really do something about young kids falling asleep in class. A way to do this is by pushing time time schools open to a bit later in the morning. Instead of making that big change, they can even have a special class for students to relax in. The easiest way schools can deal with this problem is by cutting down on the homework load. Whichever way they choose, they should accommodate to the sleep patterns of school age

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