Those are the classes I didn 't have much trouble on, the classes I had trouble on would be Comm, Math, Science, American Government, and World Geography. The grades I would be getting for those classes would be D+ and F’s, I wasn’t so pleased when I saw those grades. You may say how can you flunk classes easy like that. Well, we know several of our classmates that do well in comm but aren’t doing their best in a math class. Well, that’s me but in a different way. Throughout my 19 year’s I have struggled with remembering things that someone said not even a minute ago. There’s certain things that stay in my head but certain things that just wander away from my memory. Throughout the rest of my high school journey, I progressed but I was also still struggling in Math, Comm, Biology, American Government, and U.S. History but the good thing they weren’t F’s anymore! Onto my junior and senior year I started to getting better grades than I did in my first two years of high school. They turned into C’s, B’s and A’s. A 's and c 's isn’t the best grade out there but to me, it made me happy because there wasn’t anymore F’s and D’s. While I struggled in school I stopped …show more content…
I have recently just had a field trip at Chazan Museum of Art, and Modern Museum of Contemporary Art in Madison, Wi. I enjoy going to art museums. I enjoy seeing what numerous artist can make, such as animation’s, those are pretty nifty if you ask me. You need to spend several hours on just one certain thing to make it perfect. We were able to watch a little “show” on an animation on some guy that loves his nose dearly and when the guy lied he nose would grow longer and leave. Other than field trip I really enjoy making memories throughout my high school years. As the class, we all have many memories together such as powderpuff football, school dances and prom and sports events. As I have not been able to attend some of these events I am still happy with the memories I have made throughout the events I have