In the article, “The slow End of Slavery,” the author wrote, “...declaring freedom for most of the nation’s slaves--more than [three] million men, women, and children in [ten] states” (Clancy). The lives of these innocent people would not have been saved without the Emancipation. Even though that was not nearly close to the amount of the slaves that needed to be freed, it still had a major impact. “Despite its flaws, the declaration was crucial to slavery’s end: It launched the chain of events that led, however slowly, to freedom” (Clancy). The Emancipation Proclamation opened many people's eyes and allowed them to become aware of the major complication that was occurring. It sparked many minds and, also lead to Martin Luther King Jr's “I Have a Dream” speech, 100 years
In the article, “The slow End of Slavery,” the author wrote, “...declaring freedom for most of the nation’s slaves--more than [three] million men, women, and children in [ten] states” (Clancy). The lives of these innocent people would not have been saved without the Emancipation. Even though that was not nearly close to the amount of the slaves that needed to be freed, it still had a major impact. “Despite its flaws, the declaration was crucial to slavery’s end: It launched the chain of events that led, however slowly, to freedom” (Clancy). The Emancipation Proclamation opened many people's eyes and allowed them to become aware of the major complication that was occurring. It sparked many minds and, also lead to Martin Luther King Jr's “I Have a Dream” speech, 100 years