Woodrow Wilson's Dichotomy

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Woodrow Wilson, was a revolutionary thinker for his time, especially when he suggested that there should be a dichotomy between the field of public administration and politics (Wilson, 10). Wilson also believed that the field of public administration held a higher role in society than most people gave it credit for, because of the way that its principles tied into the way politics progressed, not only was it cohesive with political life but it was also within it’s own separate sphere. (Wilson, 10). Wilson said that public administration should be ran as a business (Wilson, 10). Due to these definitions and parameters set fourth by Wilson we begin to see public administration in it’s own sphere of political life instead of something that …show more content…
The main element that is present throughout the whole case is the focus of the higher ups on trying to maximize their profits no matter what. This lead to the dehumanization of their workers in the mine. This can also be seen as a strength of this methodology because by taking the roots that maximizes profits instead of getting involved with the politics that goes into a lot of decision making (Stillman, 108). Due to the focus on profit and the dehumanizing of the workers, it eventually lead to the heads of the companies ignoring the advice of the safety inspectors telling them that the mine needed some costly updates in order to ensure the safety of the people working there (Stillman, 107). This then shows the next drawback of Wilson’s method: lack of authority due to the chain of command (Stillman, 114). After the disastrous blast happened at Centralia there was a lot of blame placed upon various key actors in the case (Stillman, …show more content…
Organizational Humanism it is believed that people seek satisfaction from their work and according to Herzberg motivated by Hygiene Factors which are salary and growth (Rinfret). So following Herzberg’s model the key to motivating the postal worker here would be to offer incentives for every quota the they accomplish while working. These insensitive would either be small raises given over time with the combination of a promotion for the postal worker to take on a bit more responsibility. This theory although I find it to be the most realistic and successful when put into any work setting does have some drawbacks. In this theory we assume that people seek satisfaction in their work, if this is not the case then the worker will not be as motivated by the incentives given to accomplish their tasks because they are not interested in what they are doing. The major strength I believe that is key to making this theory so versatile and applicable to any work situation is that it offers the incentives of potential raises and growth within the company. For myself personally I always strive to work harder when I know that there is an opportunity to work my way up in either my wages or my responsibilities. This is why I believe that using Herzberg’s approach would be the best way to motivate the postal

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