Herpes B Research Paper

Decent Essays
epidemic happened in 1930 and after that, it didn’t take too long to figure out that the bacterium was Rickettsia psittaci. It was later found that the source was birds, including parrots, cockatoos, etc. Long after Lyme disease came about, a man named Allen Steere and others began to think that this disease comes from ticks, specifically a deer tick. Many people believe that the white-tailed deer is the host from which the deer tick gets it sustenance, but in reality, the deer don’t had the spirochete that causes the disease. It’s been found, though, that white-footed mouse do. Larval ticks are close to the ground so the mouse is easier to feed on, which then the ticks get infected and can infect humans. Herpes B came about in 1932, after a scientist in New York got bit by a monkey while he was researching a polio vaccine. He developed slow symptoms such as paralysis of the legs, tender lymph nodes, etc. After three days, he died. Herpes B was found to be carried by rhesus macaque, as well as other Asian monkeys. The only weird thing is that people get scratched by these monkeys all the time and never get sick. I asked why and I agree when the author said that “ecology has provided opportunities, but evolution hasn’t yet seized them. Maybe it never will.” …show more content…
The victims were pig farmers. People thought that it might be Japanese Encephalitis, but that proved wrong. Samples from people were sent to the CDC to be analyzed and what they found was similar to Hendra but different. It became known as Nipah virus encephalitis. So once again the question arises, where did it come from? Ken Lam, the head of microbiology at a university in Malaysia worked with Hume Field, whom found that bats were the reservoir hosts of Hendra, to find the source of Nipah. Together, they found that pigs were amplifier hosts and that flying foxes were the reservoir

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