Business Ethics Case Study: Ramona's Next Step

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Ramona demonstrated crucial critical thinking skills as she researched Next Step Herbal Health before arrival at the corporation. Moreover, her moral code led her to the understanding that the actions of Next Step were questionable as well as unethical. One negative search led to another distasteful disappointment, fueling her curiosity of the underlying ethics of this corporation, allowing other corporations to sink at their expense. As a matter of fact, these reasoning skills, better known as critical thinking, are sought by businesses (Kubasek, Brennan, & Browne, 2015, p. 2). Ramona was equipped with superior knowledge of what constitutes proper business practices, yet all too soon in her completion her MBA degree she was seeing first-hand …show more content…
Robbins and Judge (2009) state that “A dominant culture expresses the core values that are shared by a majority of the organization’s members” (p. 553). Notably, this CEO possesses narcissism, which originated from Greek mythology describing a man who out of vanity and pride fell in love with himself (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 112). This type of leader is dangerous, and also reflects Lucifer’s fall due to the pursuit of pride. Linda Wachner, the former CEO of Warnaco, is an example of a narcissistic personality (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 112). Designer Calvin Klein got in a lawsuit with Linda Wachner over a breach of a licensing agreement, and Calvin Klein reported of her unprofessionalism (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 112). However, Robbins and Judge (2009) report that Wachner lost her job due to a detrimental fall in stocks, but then sued Warnaco for a substantial sum of money. Even though narcissists have an elevated opinion of their qualities as a leader, they are actually less effective leaders (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 112). Consequently, a proactive personality is ideal in the ever-changing corporation of the 21st century. An individual with a proactive personality makes strides of improvement in all their endeavors (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. …show more content…
A major concept of covenantal leadership is that human integrity is respected, leaving the individual personal image intact (Caldwell, 2003). Being proud of the work completed penetrates into every endeavor executed, but over time, the haunting of being immoral creates defeat within oneself. Consequently, covenantal leadership allows the individual’s personality to flourish with job satisfaction as well as creativity. Charismatic leadership corresponds with covenantal leadership according to Pava’s Philosophy (Caldwell, 2003). Caldwell (2003) also presents information that a transformational leader aligns with a charismatic leader because they “rely on the trust, admiration and respect of followers and seek to obtain organizational citizenship buy-in and commitment.” Since these types of leadership focus on nurturing principles and facilitate importance of the purpose of life, these demonstrate far better leadership than the CEO of Next Step who offered the salary of

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