Why Is Hemp Fiber Important

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Hemp Fiber: Legal Issues and History
Despite the controversy, this environmentally friendly and versatile cannabis fiber has become popular for countless products in the apparel and goods industry. Apparels of hemp fibers contain the beneficial qualities of the long and durable stalk plant. Its ability to easily blend with other fibers makes it more desirable in the market as well as the fashion industry. Unlike cotton, hemp farming has been through several federal issues throughout the American history; its relation to the sister plant, marijuana, sparked a great debate and farming prohibition in the 1930s. It was not until World War II that the regrowth of hemp plants was permissible. Surely, America’s history, legal concerns, and our method of cultivation will continue to shape the hemp culture in America’s families and farmers today.
The first record of hemp fiber dates back to the early 7000 B.C.
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in Central Asia. From China to Europe, and later the Americas, this ancient plant flourishes in all temperate climates. It was not until the colonial days that hemp became the most popular and fastest growing plant in the American soil (Kadolph 240). President Washington and Adams pushed the growth of hemp in almost all of the thirteen colonies. For over a century, hemp was heavily demanded in the naval industry; this rot-proof material supplied the navy with durable ropes and coating for long journeys across the Atlantic. However, the early 20th century brought a significant damage to the hemp industry when the United States proposed The Marijuana Tax Act in 1937 where any possession of marijuana was declared to be illegal, and any production (for medical and industrial purposes) was endurable with an excise tax (Madsen). The expensive annual fees for importers and manufacturers drove the entire hemp industry into shambles, leaving only a couple of acres to legally cultivate hemp productions. Not long after, the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor shuts off overseas hemp supplies from the Philippines. The spark of America’s entry into World War II encouraged U.S. farmers to harvest hemp for the war. As of the 21st century, several farm states passed the hemp legislation in accordance with SEC 7606 of the Farm Bill. This Hemp Amendment of S7606 allows farmers to cultivate hemp for research; Nevertheless, Colorado, Vermont, and Kentucky have successfully grow hemp without any government impediments. Hemp is supplying American farmers with jobs and is starting to reflect today’s reality and ensure a better tomorrow. Hemp, an annual plant native to Asia, has been around for 10000 years. This extremely steadfast growing crop produces more fiber per acre. It yields 250% more fiber than cotton and along with jute and flax, hemp would account for ¾ of the US production (Stanwood 8). At an advantage, hemp needs less amount of land to yield the equal amount of fiber such as flax. Its strong roots descend for over a meter deep underground, anchoring the soil to prevent any weeds from growing (Shahzad). Cultivating hemp can be steadily done, as farmer have done so for over a century. Cannabis sativa, the genus of industrial hemp, differ from marijuana in that the male plant carries less THC levels. The chemical used for psychedelic effects (tetrahydrocannabinol)

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