Is America Healthy Or Unhealthy Essay

Superior Essays
It’s Your Choice: Healthy or Unhealthy? America is not just only the country with the most gyms, but it is also the country with the highest obesity rates. Approximately 78.6 million American adults and 12.7 million children and adolescents are obese. Over the past several years, overweight, obesity and unhealthy eating habits have increased gradually and now poses a major health problem. A person who is overweight has a body mass index or commonly known as BMI, of 25 to 30. In addition, for an obese person, it can range from 30 to over 40. It may eventually lead to serious health conditions such as Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and even respiratory problems. It is easier for people to blame others, such as fast food restaurants and the government for their unhealthy lifestyles. However, there are endless options available, so Americans must take personal responsibility in order to decide what choices best suits each person. Teenagers tend struggle with responsibility more than any other age groups, especially when it comes to time management. According to an online article, 8 Out Of 10 Americans Eat Fast Food At Least Once A Month, Says Gallup Poll, on Huffpost, Rachel Tepper notes, “The survey also found that young adults, aged 18 to 29, eat fast food more often.” This is certainly true since college students are frequently overwhelmed with homework and party when friends all the time, and therefore rely on fast food and on vending machines for breakfast, lunch, and or dinner. Teens are not responsible enough to look for ways that will help improve their lifestyles. Young adults do not realize that minor changes in routines can have a huge impact on eating habits. For example, waking half an hour earlier to make lunch or watch less television at night to have time to make lunch for the next day. In addition, this is not only true for teenagers because anyone can be so engaged on to the television or work all the time and feel like there is just not enough time for cooking healthy meals. Cooking healthy meals can be difficult due to the person’s busy schedule, but it is not impossible. It takes time, and effort, but it will surely benefit the person in the long run since unhealthy homemade food is often still healthier than the healthy meals that fast food restaurants offer. The world has changed in many ways over the years, especially with the increasing availability of vehicles to basically for any American who wants one. …show more content…
Jane E. Brody explains in his article, Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Causes, he had to walk for long distances to get what he needed and there are no vending machines on hisway (40). This is clearly true in America and in other parts of the world during the 1950’s, but now America has certainly changed. Joggers and people walking with dogs are rarely seen in these days and fast food restaurants are in every corner. One of the reasons that Americans do not walk is due to the increase in availability in automobiles. Automobiles are so convenient because people reach their destination faster without getting exhausted and can stop at multiple corner stores and or vending machines. In addition, when people go shopping, the driver looks for the closest parking to avoid walking. If person could take their vehicles in the store he or she would. Vehicles are a good source of transportation and are necessary to go to and from your job, however people can choose to walk to local stores or simply take a walk in their neighborhood on weekends. Besides automobiles, electronics such as mobile devices, television, computers and video games has also influenced how Americans live their lives. Brody makes a good point when he explains that, “...watching TV was mostly a weekend family affair, not a nightly ritual with constant noshing” (40). In today’s world, people feel like as if it is impossible to live without these electronic devices so people have them attached to their bodies throughout the whole day. It promotes unhealthy eating habits and less physical activity. For instance, people can spend hours watching movies instead of doing chores and have a treat, like popcorn or chips and soda at the

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