I am writing to you to express why I think that I would make an ideal Head Girl candidate.
I would like to be head girl for one simple reason, to make a difference, and as an active member of this school I believe that I can achieve that goal by becoming head girl. With this belief, becoming head girl would not only benefit me as a person but the school as a whole.
The position of head girl is one that requires a very specific set of skills at a high level, leadership, communication, organisation, being a role model and approachability to name a few, each of which I have experience with. As the head of the media team at Team Witham I have shown all of these skills, as well as a desire to practice …show more content…
This is because of my near perfect attendance, highly praised behaviour and consistently good participation in learning. I feel that I could encourage other pupils to do the same and see the importance of good behaviour and the effect that their behaviour has on others. I feel that this is a vital quality to have as a Head Girl, or any leader in fact, as you are the person that everyone will look up to as an ambassador for the school. Another factor that makes me a brilliant role model is my hard work and determination, this is shown by the Finance GCSE that I achieved at the age of 12. Similarly, I have been described by my peers as an approachable, kind person who they feel comfortable talking to, this is shown by my winning of the ‘Student 's Student of the Year’ award. This would be beneficial for the school and its pupils as anybody could express their views to me and nobody would feel that their opinions didn’t matter to me for personal reasons because I get on well with all my peers. I am also communicative with people in different years which would allow me to get different ages points of view and help everyone to feel comfortable and well connected with the rest of the …show more content…
I feel that I have had ample experience with this and that I could communicate well with my fellow peers. I am known by a lot of teachers for my communication skills and talkativity, this would be an important quality in a Head Girl as they need to be able to talk confidently and engage with others well so they can gather other people’s ideas and thoughts and regurgitate them to teachers and other members of the community, which is something that I often have done. This is shown by my being on the Form Council and the Year Council, which I successfully put forward the argument to allow students to wear plain black coats instead of only acadmey ones, which was later accepted. Similarly, I took part in the ‘Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge’ which I received a Highly Commended certificate for. This, along with the speech I gave when I received the ‘Town Mayor 's Youth Award’ for my running of the dance show, proves that I have experience speaking in front of large crowds and I can explain myself well to others.
I believe that leadership is not just one skill, but a collection and balance of many different skills. Communication, organisation, self development, control and being a role model are just a few of the basic skills required to make a good leader. All are vital to a head girl who