Another example of her courageous personality and her willingness to do good comes from the text by the same source(, “Tubman was never caught and never lost a “passenger.” She participated in other antislavery efforts, including supporting John Brown in his failed 1859 raid on the Harpers Ferry, Virginia arsenal.” This excerpt from the text reinforces the fact that Harriett Tubman was not only exceedingly brave but also exceedingly competent and she was overwhelmingly efficient with her work while also assisting other African Americans as well. Harriet Tubman inspired many African Americans to fight back against racism and against their …show more content…
She was recruited to assist fugitive enslaved people at Fort Monroe and worked as a nurse, cook and laundress. Harriet used her knowledge of herbal medicines to help treat sick soldiers and fugitive enslaved people.” This snippet from the text further advances the point that Harriet Tubman was an inspiration through her medicinal abilities which she used to treat soldiers, inspiring them and saving them so they continue to fight. Harriett, though a hero, also faced many challenges in her younger years. One such challenge was her brain injury which she suffered from her master, as provided in this snippet of information from the website “Early signs of her resistance to slavery and its abuses came at age twelve when she intervened to keep her master from beating an enslaved man who tried to escape. She was hit in the head with a two-pound weight, leaving her with a lifetime of severe headaches and narcolepsy.” This information adds to her struggles as even as a child she would suffer from pains from her