Mr. Sands being a single man increases the ability for her to get away from Mr. Flint even greater. We find out that he is not married when she says, "I knew the impassable gulf between us; but to be an object of interest to a man who is …show more content…
Sands would set her free by thinking critically, by observing her surroundings, and paying attention to situations. She thought that if she had a baby by somebody else that Mr. Flint would not see any use for her and surely sell her. This thought opened a opportunity that once she was up for sale Mr. Sands would purchase her and make her his mistress would set her free from slavery and dealing with Mr. Flint and his wife. She knew Flint wanted to have his way with her because he build a small cottage about four miles away. So to keep from being another statistic she formulated this plan how she could gain her