I say this because although the believe we always have a choice they still believe in determinism and in this case I feel it does apply. Even if Stan would have tried not to sneeze it actually very hard not to and in most cases you still end up closing your eyes as a natural reaction. Stan had no control over his sneeze it was something predetermined.
Now in the case of Drunk Dan I believe a soft determinism would say yes Dan did have a choice. My reasoning being is this is much similar to the point I proved above except this case he actually did have a choice. Drunk Dan decide to get into the car knowing he was indeed drunk, therefore he made a choice and took a risk of not only a possible DWI but also a deadly death to himself or …show more content…
I feel that they would say this due to they would believe that he made the choice to sneeze that then caused he to crash. Now, if they were asked if Dan was responsible for the crashed he because I think most definitely they would rule him as a quick guilty. I believe that any libertarian that was asked this question would make the statement that he is at fault due to him deciding to get behind the wheel no one made him nor did he have a predetermined future that he could blame.
As I mentioned about compatibilism and determinism go together in sense anyone who believes in compatibilism thinks that free will does exist and you make a choice in your action so you should therefore be responsible for your choices. In compatibilism is the belief that determinism and free will are logically incompatible. This basically means that free will is an illusion which is also similar to hard determinism and that determinism is in fact a