It begins with Beneatha clarifying who the insurance check’s owner is. As a result, Walter brings in the idea of sacrifice. Walter says, “Me and Ruth done made some sacrifices for you--Why can’t you do something for the family.”(1.1.37) Walter is egotistic. He only desires to understand the ambitions on himself. He wants Beneatha to halt her’s because he feel his pursuit to achieve his dreams are more important. After their dispute, Beneatha says, “Thank everybody! And forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all! (Pursuing him on her knees across the floor) FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME!”(1.1.37) Beneatha expresses a feeling of helplessness. She feels she must apologize for having dreams, however; in reality everyone has a dream, and Walter’s pursuit in his dreams has caused him to become oblivious to his own sister’s goals and many individuals around …show more content…
Reactions to her action are mixed. Ruth and Travis are thrilled, while Beneatha and Walter are indifferent on the purchase. Although the purchase doesn’t show any ill effects on Beneatha, Walter begins to miss work drinking his life away. Once Mama finds out, she blames herself for his actions. In addition, Mama says, she failed to treated Walter like a child and ignored his potential. Consequently, Mama rewards Walter with the rest of the insurance money. Mama entrusts Walter in the task of putting the money up for Beneatha 's education, allowing him to spend the remaining money how he desires. However, Walter abuses this opportunity ruining everybody 's dreams, therefore; killing any hope of achieving the American dream in the house. “Yessss! All of it… It’s all gone…”(2.3.129) The statement said by Walter as he realizes what he has done. Even when entrusted with the task of putting some of the money up for Beneatha 's education, he fails to complete that task. Instead, he opts to invest all the money. Walter does not care about Beneatha’s desire to learn. All he sees is his dreams. He proves this idea once again. Now, Beneatha 's hope is now gone. This is shown by her saying, “Don’t you see there isn’t any real progress, Asagai, there is only one large circle that we march in, around and around, each of us with our own little picture in front of us-- our own little marriage that we think is the