Han China Dbq Analysis

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In Classical Athens and Han China there were differences in: Population distribution and philosophers beliefs on population, government, the philosophers on the government, and lastly the people in these civilizations. By comparing these two civilizations it is possible to see just how these two civilizations emerged and what they did when they started to evolve. The people of Greece are depicted in a drawing of a 5th Century B.C.E disc thrower. The male in the drawing is muscular, lean, and tall and in the midst of throwing a disc. This depiction shows that a man was powerful and capable of working hard. The quote that the Greek philosopher, Sophocles used to describe the drawing of a 5th Century B.C.E disc thrower read, “The world is full of wonders but nothing is more wonderful than man.” Sophocles is showing through this quote that nothing, not the Sphinx nor the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, are greater than the strength and intelligence of a man. (Document 11) The Chinese people, however, are depicted in a picture of a secluded house in the middle of a forest. This depiction shows that the Chinese way of life was very simplistic and peaceful. The quote that Lao-tzu used to describe this photo was, “Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity.” This quote shows that no matter who or where a person is they will always return to what they call home because it gives them familiarity and comfort. (Document 12) What are missing from both of these points of view are the perspectives of the actual people in the photos. There is no way to tell if the disc thrower was being forced to play for Greece in a game or it was just a fun every day, thing the only way to know would be to get his point of view on disc throwing. Where as in the Chinese picture there is no way to tell why the people were returning home, whether it was because they missed their family or they were forced to go back home by someone who is a superior to them. The Greeks and the Chinese had very different beliefs on what it took to be a man in government. The Greek philosopher, Pericles, shows through his writings that a good citizen must care about himself just as much as the state. That not only men but women as well should be interested in both affairs. Pericles also states that even if a man is extremely busy they are still well informed on general politics. “A man who takes no interest in politics is a man… who has no business here at all.” Pericles shows that being in politics is a great sign of respect for …show more content…
Ancient Greece’s civilization in 431 B.C.E compared to Han Chinas Empire in 100 C.E was not even one-fourth of the size. The distribution map shows many of Greece’s city-states as well as the water ways surrounding Greece such as: Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. The Han China distribution map shows an extremely developed empire ranging from the East China Sea to the top of India. In Han Chinas map features such as: The Silk Road and The Great Wall of China show just how advanced and unified the Chinese were. (Document

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