Gun Control Persuasive Speech

Improved Essays
Imagine you are home alone and your parents are gone for the night. You are sitting on the couch flipping through the channels on the television. You can’t seem to find anything that interest you so you cut the television off and decide to go upstairs to get a shower and get ready for bed. Right before you open your door to go to the bathroom you hear your front door being kicked in, things being smashed, and two men’s voices coming up the stairs. What are you going to do? You are not going to open the door and try to confront the two men since there is only one of you and two of them. You are pretty much stuck in your room just hoping they do not kick your door in and hurt you. Now if it were in my house it would be a little different. …show more content…
If gun control was enforced I would have no way to protect myself from that situation. Can you imagine someone breaking into your home and you had no way of protecting yourself? Forty seven to fifty three million households in 2010 owned at least one gun in their home (Agresti). Not only do people of the United States feel safer with owning a gun in their house, but they also feel that if we had the right to carry guns around in public places, it would cut down on crimes. Every state has their own laws toward this idea, but the Constitution also has something to say about citizens owning a gun. We have the right to bear arms and that is one thing that the government cannot take away from us. Any attempt by the government to enforce gun control laws should be shot down because they do not have the right according to the Constitution. Gun Control has been an issue of debate for many years. Different political parties, public places, and US citizens have their own opinion of this discussion. We should have the right to buy as many guns as we want, sell guns as many guns as we want, and show guns in public places with reasonable rules such as background checks without the fear of losing our guns to the

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