Gun control attacks the second amendment, which reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed, by jeopardizing citizen’s security. “There are about as many defensive uses of guns by citizens each year as there are criminal …show more content…
We live in an nation in which there are over 300 million guns owned by approximately a third of Americans. “Guns are an important part of American history and life and should not be the scapegoat for the cause of violence and crime in this country” (Mattioli). In one year there was about 259 justifiable firearm incidents. Charlie’s opinion goes along with the opinions of others. because the firearms are not the cause of violence. A firearm in uneducated hands will cause mayhem. Firearms do not cause violence and terrorize societies.When an individual is mindful and prepared appropriately, handguns are effortlessly the best type of self-protection, and a handgun ban removes this alternative from them. Gun rights activists believe that laws against guns are truly laws against self-protection, also firearm free zones are able to be considered as free crime zones. Bans against firearms, specifically handguns, won't prevent bad guys from getting firearms. Gun control will keep a well behaved subject from purchasing a weapon for self-defense. While they might be exaggerating by saying that laws against firearms are laws against self-defense, they makes a magnificent point. Forbidding handguns leaves Americans with a minuscule amount of alternative to protect themselves. At the point when individuals are stripped of the best type of defense, they are helpless, and this is a leading issue with gun control. Their ideologies about gun control keeping law-abiding citizens from using firearms in self-protection, and this gives the advantage to the criminal. The law abiding citizens won't breach the law and possess a firearm in the event that they are prohibited, however a scandalous citizen will break the law. If an individual decides to rob a bank or murder another citizen, those individuals will not be concerned with breaking a gun ban. If the young children were educated about correct firearm use and the dangers of