Gun Control Argumentative Essay

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People are responsible for crimes, not the guns themselves. Gun control laws aim to restrict or regulate firearms by selecting who can sell, buy and possess the weapons. Criminals don't obey gun control laws, and therefore banning guns will have little to no effect on reducing crimes. Taking guns away from United States citizens that use them for self-defense, should not be punished due to the acts of criminals. Consequently, imposing gun control laws only restrict the behavior of those who follow them rather than those who misuse the weapons. To decrease the number of criminals that can access guns, background checks should be more complex online and in-store, including the person’s mental health, as well as banning private sellers that are …show more content…
Just Facts: A Resource for Independent Thinkers Article reported that in 2016, roughly 16,459 murders were committed in the United States and about 11,961 or 73% were committed with firearms. Regarding the San Bernardino terrorist attack, nothing has been done to try and prevent an attack like that from happening again, even though more areas have been appointed as “gun-free” zones. Our state Legislature passed and Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a broad package of nearly a dozen gun control measures, according to The Sun Newspaper. The Sun Newspaper also reported that in 2016, the voters of California passed Proposition 63, which makes it even more difficult to purchase guns and ammo, making it against the law to even own or possess a magazine that is capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammo. These actions received the opposite result of what they were trying to accomplish, which was to prevent another terrorist attack. Massive killings by terrorists have been at all the locations that have been designated as “gun-free” zones. These criminals know that there is a better chance of killing a greater number of people in a “gun-free” zone, where there is a small number of people who would have a gun to defend themselves with. Referring to the gun and ammo restrictions, the only people these laws will end up affecting are law-abiding citizens, making it difficult for them to defend themselves and their families. The cowards and criminal responsible for these illegal, violent acts are already accustomed to breaking laws and would find it easier to break a few

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