The groups usually gather around once or twice a week while being one of the most affordable therapies around. A session might begin with members of the group introducing themselves and sharing why they are in group therapy. Members might also share their experiences and progress since the last meeting with the group. They usually do this so the speaker can get back feedback from the other’s in the group. Next, now that I have explained what I think group therapy is all about I would use this method with people who are trying to recover from a drug problem. For instance, I have a client we will say her name is Kelly. Kelly is a drug addict who is trying to stop doing drugs and has been coming to see me for years and yet still does them. She has been to rehab as well to get help that I can’t offer. We talk about her issues and why she feels the need to do drugs because of her past and how she was raised around them as a child. Clearly, my one on one sessions aren’t working and something needs to …show more content…
Being able to see others go through a similar story can enlighten them. Clinical studies have shown that peer group therapy in drug treatment is about as effective for inducing long term sobriety as individual counseling, but most drug treatment programs combined. Another example is, the use of peer group therapy in drug rehab allows recovering addicts to receive a maximal amount of therapeutic attention from a limited number of trained therapists; but peer group therapy in drug treatment is not offered as a cost saving, it is offered because it is very effective on a few levels, it’s encouraging for recovering substance abusers. A peer group therapy program in drug rehab offers recovering addicts the advice and experience of others going through a similar things and experiences, it offers them the hope that recovery is possible through the observation of other 's recoveries and it creates a community or even familial feeling of support and a reduction in feeling they are all alone during