Griswold's Research Questions

Decent Essays
Assignment 1

Name: Malik Muzammil Ali Khan
Student number: 412998
Date: 22/11/14
Course: Sociology of Arts and Culture CC1003-14

Part 1:
1. Griswold’s research question: How does literature reflect society in America during the 19th and 20th century in comparison to foreign countries and their literature over four different time periods?
2. Griswold draws on the different theories as to why American novels are different from foreign novels. The guilt of slavery and the ethnic cleansing of the Native Americans plays a role in the way American novelists write. She also states that American authors wrote a specific genre or for a specific crowd because of an economic motive.
3. The sociological perspective used by Griswold is the conflict theory. She talks about the differences in societies and economic conditions and how all these different aspects have led to the many differences in the literature produced by American authors as compared to foreign authors. There is a constant clash between the data about the American authors and the data about the foreign authors.
4. She collected quantitative data from research conducted by different people and she presents the results to strengthen her argument. She studied the material by conducting research and using the research of others to confirm her hypotheses. 5. Griswold has many main findings in this article. One of them is that literature in fact is a reflection of society. Another finding she provides is that she provides information about the average prices of novels over different time periods that show the readers how the price of foreign novels slowly exceeds the price of American novels after a certain period of time. She also provides information about the number or authors that were American and the ones that were foreign. Griswold later provides the readers with the information about the age, gender, marital status and social class of protagonists in novels. Her findings are presented in a graphical format or provided in the forms of tables. 6. This study shows that the ‘simple’ reflection approach does not take into account the different methods involved in collecting data with the all methods used in the reflection approach. A combination of methods provides more thorough research, which leads to a stronger argument and a superior finished product. 7. The benefit of the sociological approach she demonstrates in her study is the presence of a global perspective. She uses data from researchers from all over the world that have provided data, thus giving her approach more credibility and proving that you need a global approach to fully understand a specific subject. Part
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