Every person at some point experiences the process of grieving a loved one. Grief is a growth process that allows for separation from old habits and starting over new understanding of life. It is considered a healthy reaction to any loss. Although it can be good , if not handled properly it can cause long-term physical and mental damage.The process of grieving can be smoother with the help of close family and friends. According to Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross the stages in the grieving process are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Everyone has their own experience with grief but everyone goes through at least one of these stages. With that , going through any of the stages it is important to have family continous family support. They’re multiple fetal turn outs for many individuals that try to conquer grief by themselves. Elaine Aron's The Highly Sensitive Person she states around 20% of the population finds itself often overwhelmed by too much social activity and 80% has no such issue. But that 20% still needs a supportive community. People were not made to be isolated , its is a learned behavior rather than inherited trait. So during the process of grieving it is only natural to family to support and to keep that mental stability. In one of the stages mentioned by Kubler-Ross is depression, feelings of severe despondency and
Every person at some point experiences the process of grieving a loved one. Grief is a growth process that allows for separation from old habits and starting over new understanding of life. It is considered a healthy reaction to any loss. Although it can be good , if not handled properly it can cause long-term physical and mental damage.The process of grieving can be smoother with the help of close family and friends. According to Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross the stages in the grieving process are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Everyone has their own experience with grief but everyone goes through at least one of these stages. With that , going through any of the stages it is important to have family continous family support. They’re multiple fetal turn outs for many individuals that try to conquer grief by themselves. Elaine Aron's The Highly Sensitive Person she states around 20% of the population finds itself often overwhelmed by too much social activity and 80% has no such issue. But that 20% still needs a supportive community. People were not made to be isolated , its is a learned behavior rather than inherited trait. So during the process of grieving it is only natural to family to support and to keep that mental stability. In one of the stages mentioned by Kubler-Ross is depression, feelings of severe despondency and