In the epic poem, Beowulf, Grendel is characterized from the third person point of view. The third person point of view creates distance, and it limits the depiction to only the beliefs of those who are not Grendel. Grendel is viewed as a monster who is full of confidence. It is evident when it is said that, "his heart laughed, he relished the sight / Intended to tear the life from those bodies . . ." (Beowulf 289-290). Others saw what they thought was joy on the face of Grendel when he entered the mead hall. Grendel's appearance of being eager to kill made him look as if he was confident to continue with his plan. If Grendel was not as confident as he was, he would not have been able to be the successful killer he was known to be. Grendel's routine for murder was always the same; he was predictable. It is said that, "Grendel's plan, I think, will be / What it has been before, to invade this hall / And gorge his belly with our bodies" (Beowulf 255-257). Beowulf knew exactly how and when Grendel was going to attack, and he tried to plan accordingly in order to take him down. Grendel never strayed away from his plan. Grendel's repetitious actions are what lead to his downfall. Throughout the epic poem Grendel's character never changed, …show more content…
In Beowulf, Grendel is characterized only by what others view him as, such as confident and predictable. Others views of him don’t change, which make him a static character. In Grendel, Grendel is characterized by his own thoughts and actions, which made his seem outsider and confused. The progression of his thoughts make him a dynamic character. Their differences originate from the point of views of the literary