The Green Revolution is a productivity mechanism of global agriculture which increases as a result of new technological advances. Technologies and improvements to agricultural practices, such as, advanced chemical fertilizers, synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and the mechanical …show more content…
These harvesters reduce costs. Replicated and automated human tasks which are traditionally done by manual labor are now produced by machinery. Automation and technology greatly reduce these redundant but necessary jobs vital to poor farmers and their family members (Robbins, 2014). Because of these losses, such as in the Malaysian Sik, their commerce has experienced a depreciated living environment. It creates a boon economy for the cities and rural areas, but shifts wealth and jobs away from the rural poor districts to urbanite locations. The problems that arise here are largely in the growing inequities of land access and income. The local economy is being destroyed by green technology, in that it has eroded traditional ties of dependence between rich and poor; arrangements interrupted by these agricultural changes making poor peasants obsolete (Robbins, 2014). Because of the values assessed to the land near the river, wealthier land owners are no longer supporting the economies of the peasant community. Land values have doubled creating a land rush; as a result, landlords have raised the tax to operate on their land leases based on this new value. As a result of the dam installation, higher yield makes the land more valuable. This changes the conditions of land rental and tenancy; outsiders can pay a …show more content…
These hypothetical and potentially psychological weapons fall short of defiance; it i consists of things as foot dragging, dissimulation, false compliance, theft, feigned ignorance, slander, arson, and sabotage. Sometimes these acts can manifest themselves even further as things like covert property and livestock destruction. Labor strikes are not unheard of. These actions are indirect and require no planning or collective effort and avoid direct conflict with authority. These forms of resistance can become a precursor to outright rebellion they don’t try to attract attention or create major disruption, but rather, to survive. It is a technique of evasion and resistance and a means of dealing with oppression at the hands of their landowners (Robbins, 2014). In reality, there is very little the peasantry can actually do to improve their situation. But it is a psychological win in the minds of these people who have very little victory against