Among other, the Civil Rights movement was one. The movement began with a huge surge of African American, marching (Protesting) for freedom and equality. The Jim Crow Law, and separate-but-equal was widely resembling the unjust in every social places, with separate facility designed for person of color. However, this period also witnessed the federal government intervening the states government to pass the laws, in effort to desegregate the black. But, it was nowhere close to be shaken the deeply rooted segregated society. The decision of Brown v. Board of Education declaring integration was a greatest achievement for dismantling, separate-but-equal (I NEED TO PUT SOMETHING). Still, there was not an incident of student attending the integrated school even after several years of the decision, because of the white confrontation. “In Virginia, the state closed all public school rather than integrate them” (Law Making Decision). The Civil Rights Acts of 1957, another significant achievement of the Civil Rights movement too did not even encourage black voter because of the white’s intimidation. “…the black voting was suppressed until the 1965 Voting Right Act” ( BLACK VOTING DURING THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT). Many key events in Civil Rights movement was also contributed by individual black, who had brought race inequality in spot light by challenging …show more content…
Activist from many black churches and organization everywhere joined marching for equality. The sit-ins movement of 1960 had changed the civil rights movement, where it had successfully “lift the white-only policy”. Again, this movement also faced white intimidation, in which the protesters were harassed by white racist, and some were even killed. There were not only the southern states and white’s legislature, but there were also many President who were not willing to promote racial equality, unless they were forced to do so. President Kennedy was referring freedom rider as, “…Pain in the ass”’ threatening to embarrass him and the United States in the eve of his summit meeting with Soviet leader” (1090). The freedom rider was attacked many times, and the bus was burned. Soon, the incident followed by surprised attacked at their celebration with fire bomb. “The Church bombing and use of dramatic events that compelled Federal political action”.(Book). As mass mobilization and protest for equality gained immense popularity, it also forced government to pass new laws to end racial inequality. Although, the government had passed many law to end the social disparity, it was proven less effective to resolve the large inequality. “..racial discrimination and repression remained a significant factor in American life…the distribution of the nation’s wealth and income moved toward greater