Throughout the book, “A Brave New World”, Aldous Huxley predicts a world with citizens that are addicted to a government-endorsed drug. In today’s society, we are also dealing with a similar problem. The use of social media has become all to prevalent in today’s society.
Analytical Portion:
Due to the government-issued drug of soma, the World State’s citizens are addicted, unfeeling, and unable to cope. Starting when the citizens of the World State are young, they receive soma. By doing this, the government is creating an easy to control society. The citizens become dependent on the soma and even say, “When the individual feels, the community reels” (Huxley 94). This is eluding to a community that is so reliant on soma that it is horrifying when a person is able to feel emotion. While at the Savage Reservation, Lenina forgets to bring her soma. Whilst watching the savages interact, she “discovered that, by some unprecedented oversight, she had left the bottle down at the rest house…” (Huxley 111) and was appalled, sobbing, “Oh, I wish I had my soma.” (Huxley 116). Because Lenina is so dependent on her soma dosages, she was barely able to make it through a few hours of learning and novelty. This translated into her missing things that Bernard found immensely interesting. The government of the World State not only let the citizens use soma, but they also endorse it. …show more content…
Later on in the book, the Deputy hands out soma. The people push and shove for the chance to get their hands on the drug that can send them into “Lunar Eternity” (Huxley 140). When John starts throwing soma out the window, “A great shout suddenly went up from the mob; a wave of movement drove it menacingly toward the Savage.” (Huxley 213). Disliking soma proved that John was an outsider, a Savage. All of the citizens of the World State are dependent on soma, but John was able to throw it out the window with no thought.
Another Savage, Linda, was unable to cope with who she had become. Since it is socially unacceptable to be old and a mother, she was viewed as disgusting.
Research Portion: In today’s world, modern society has a type of drug that is controlling and making people numb to their surroundings. Throughout the years, nations have greatly advanced in technology. While this is an amazing advancement, it has also brought us to social media. Social media has become a type of drug that almost everyone in the 21st century is addicted to. “Eighteen percent of social media users cannot go a few hours without checking Facebook.” (Social Media Addiction: Statistics and Trends). These eighteen percent can only make it a few hours without the technology to …show more content…
Kids throughout the school pull out their phones the second the bell rings. In fact, “75 percent of Millennials feel addicted, versus 44 percent of older generations.” (Social Networking Habits). Millennials are more addicted because they come from an age that had earlier access to the technology that has made social media more accessible. If millennials have this type of addictions, think about the children today. They grow up with smartphones, tablets, and lots of technology. They have not grown up playing outside and making connections with the outdoors. They have the potential to be even more