Analysis of any research brings itself credit only if the people choose to implement it. I will say that the implementation of the results of the research brought path breaking results, paradigm shifts in management. Google became a learning organization a true example of the term’s definition. A1 group of people working together to collectively enhance their capacities to the create results that they truly care about. A remark by the executive stating that “the research was not about collecting data, but driving change”, reflects on creating a team mental model where people want to share the organized understanding and mental representation of knowledge about key elements. The group wanted to share the results to improve manager behavior, training development to make managers more effective. Later on, the team built-in management training courses around the findings. Every manager will receive the survey reports with specific suggestions on how they can improve such as vision classes to encourage creativity. The team was able to transform teams into high performing teams displaying participative leadership, shared responsibility, align goals, communication, focused on future and task, creative talent and rapid …show more content…
Google is able to train engineers to be very effective managers; this will help them transition teams from Instrumental Cohesiveness to self-managed teams. With the much needed training and coaching provided to managers, they can shift their roles from task role to maintenance role whenever needed. The next level will be when each employee is a manager and their own supervisor.
It’s a challenge for every organization to have talent that can apply data analysis to human interactions. I say this as a challenge because this philosophy of taking care of people or valuing people has to come for the very top. Realizing that the success of the organization is because of the people usually gets hidden behind numbers such as, “70% of the cost to the companies is because of salaries and benefits to the employees”.
Today’s economy where volatility is the new stability, companies are facing challenges in attracting top talent at less salaries. Employees today appreciate the companies providing them work-life balance, benefits such as training, tuition reimbursements, extensive benefits. They need to be properly informed and guided to use these benefits. Small efforts such as these do make a difference in keeping employees