Today, people have a fascination with the wild west and the gold rush that turned the once bustling town to a ghost town. Certainly, it is a special
The small town of Pinedale, Wyoming is known for a diverse number of things. By and large, the community has always been known for its beautiful surrounding scenery, but also for the ranching community feel and the cowboy characters that live there. Imagine an area with an abundance of culture being affected by an industrial boom. Suddenly, the small town feel is gone, new people have moved in, and the appreciation for the culture that once existed there has been depleted by everyone ’s need to economically benefit from the environment’s existing natural resources.…
They set up settlement houses, where people could learn English and get help finding work and housing. But then there was movement out of the community, it was a local migration to suburbs and other parts of the city. People were looking for more opportunities. As the population declined, businesses closed.…
The western world of the United States experienced a great amount of attention during the second half of the nineteenth century. This period, commonly referred to as the Wild West, was the time in which cowboys represented the area. This period, however, was also the time in which excessive crime and violence characterized the area. With the opportunities to start farms and ranches and mine precious metals, thousands of Americans on the east coast began to move west. As a result, numerous small towns quickly erupted across the western states.…
The Transcontinental Railroad The Transcontinental Railroad was a legendary Civil Engineering feat that created an entirely new way of settlement and trade in the West that had hardly been imagined. The Railroad changed the life of the travelers and settlers in America. A trip from the East Coast to the West Coast that used to take six months then took a mere seven days. Without the intelligence of great men like Theodore Judah and Grenville Dodge, who were Chief Engineers of the Railroad, the thousands of American and Chinese workers, and generous land grants from The Government, a feat as grand as the Transcontinental Railroad could never have been accomplished.…
After the Mexican-American War, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo allowed America to expand and occupy western territories. One of the more prominent territories acquired from the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was California. Flakes of gold were found floating along the American River at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. After news got out, people from across the sea traveled to America looking for wealth in the mines of California. The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848 sparked the California Gold Rush that will lead to an increase in population, immigration, and innovation in technology.…
The Time When a Railroad Changed History Where would our world be today if the Transcontinental Railroad simply didn’t exist? The Railroad impacted us in many ways, but I believe that we were impacted most economically. The Transcontinental Railroad impacted the United States Economically because, it transformed towns to boosting economic hotspots, lowered the general cost for shipping across hefty distances, and increased revenue from exports and imports dramatically. The railroad transformed towns like Lovelock, Nevada into economic hotspots.…
Ones the miners start to move up to the mountains into Golden, Blackhawk and Central City those are were the place where the miners would be more successful on finding more gold. The author’s state: As many 25,000 entered the mountains between April and October by ear-ly about 10,000 remained in Colorado by early August 2,000 in Denver a few hundred in Golden, and most of the remainder engaged in the moun-tain placer operations or ever deepening lode mines. As late as September more than 2,000 were counted in the six-square miles gulch region around Central City along the North Fork Clear Creek. ( Abbott, Leonard, and Noel)…
Gold, it’s what everyone hopes to find someday, well in California it was found. On January 24, 1848 James Marshell discovered gold in California. The word got out so people from California came in and started searching for gold, word got out to the east they wanted proof. Then the government went out to look and it was confirmed real gold. It was reported in many news papers around the country and that’s how the California Gold Rush began.…
The California gold rush is a historic period of time from (1848-1857) that caused a massive migration of people all around the world. Consequently the immense amount of gold found In California made many people rich, but also made many people live in poverty. With one lucky day you could be a millionaire overnight. Not many as many people struck it rich while searching for gold, and many of the millionaires didn't even have to search for gold to become wealthy, many of them had businesses that grew with the large amount of diversity migrating from all around. Over 300,000 people migrated which practically formed the vast state of California.…
California Gold Rush California Gold Rush was the mass migration that brought in people from all over the world. Even people from the east migrated to the west in search of the gold. This was the largest mass migration in American history. James W. Marshall had found pieces of gold on Sutter’s Mill in columbia on January 24,1848. The news of this gold spread all over.…
The Gold Rush set a foundation for our country’s success. The Gold Rush was when the miners first discovered Gold in the California Mines. This caused a mass amount of people to move to California in hopes to get rich and fun gold. The Gold Rush had a positive impact on America because it helped complete the Americans goal and the Gold Rush helped increase the technology in the United States.…
The California Gold Rush was one of the most influential events that shaped not only the West Coast, but america in later years. From the Gold Rush in California, many other gold rushes in other states began to happen, such as the Colorado and Klondike. They began to draw attention because of what happened in California. In both good and bad ways, the California Gold Rush has transformed the nation and gave way to a promising future for America. During the California Gold Rush, thousands had heard of gold being mined out West, but, did not believe it to be true.…
The California Gold Rush research essay The California Gold Rush was a huge event. The Gold lured hundreds of thousands to California for the start of a new land and for the search for gold. But it wasn't easy for everyone to find gold. The miners there had hard times finding gold. Not all of them even survived either, many of them took long hours and days to mine gold.…
Almost everyone has heard about the California Gold Rush at some point, it brings up images of hermits panning for gold in a river. In actuality the California Gold Rush is much more than that. Many things throughout American would not be the same without the California Gold Rush. The California Gold Rush caused a huge boom in civilization in the western part of the United States of America, because of it there was a boom a population growth in a short period of time. It caused many of the major cities that the United States still has, also it played a huge part in the building of railroads.…
Lovelock Nevada was a normal town until the late 1800s when the Chinese started building the Railroad through this town. The population soon boosted bringing in hundreds of people. More and more people means more money being made for the economy. Lovelock quickly became a hotspot for mining, agriculture, and retail which brought in lots of revenue. (Document A).…