God's Resistance In Exodus

Superior Essays
The interactions between the main groups of characters in Exodus establish a relationship between God’s authority and the people’s resistance. At first glance it may appear that there are two cases of resistance. First, Pharaoh resists God directly, and second, the Israelites resist the Egyptians who enslave them. However, upon further inspection it is apparent that neither is truly resistance. In the final cases of Pharaoh not obeying God’s commands, God hardens his heart, essentially creating “resistance” by taking away Pharaoh’s agency. As for the Israelites’ case, there is no mention of what they are thinking or doing throughout the entire narrative of the ten plagues, making it difficult to claim that they are resisting their enslavement. Due to the fact that neither the Israelites nor Pharaoh resist, there is no resistance in Exodus of which to speak. God takes precise actions throughout Exodus, specifically over the course of the ten plagues, to eliminate resistance from the story, and in the process adds to his own authority. This paper will explore how God exerts authority through the plagues and the motivations behind them. One of God’s primary motivations in sending the plagues to Egypt is to make a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians. The Israelites already live in a separate district, the land of Goshen, that God protects from the plagues (8:22). While God wants the Egyptians to recognize his power, he also wants them to know that he is foremost, the God of the Israelites. When warning about the last plague, Moses knows that “not a dog shall growl at any of the Israelites—not at people, not at animals—so that you may know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel. Then all these officials of [Pharaoh] shall come down to me, and bow low to me, saying, ‘Leave us, you and all the people who follow you’ ”(11:7-8). A figure in a position of authority needs a clear jurisdiction. By establishing the Israelites as his people, God also shows his power to choose which people he provides for and which he harms, thus demonstrating authority over all people. God also uses the plagues as an opportunity to further his influence over the Israelites. …show more content…
Before the beginning of the plagues, God tells the Israelites, “ ‘I will take you as my people, and I will be your God. You shall know that I am the Lord your God, who has freed you from the burdens of the Egyptians’ ”(6:7). God’s intent in this is to foreshadow the plagues, and their end result. The use of the future tense proves that God is determined in this effort to free the Israelites before even beginning the process of plaguing Egypt. When the Egyptians finally drown in the sea, their deaths show that they served their final purpose, warning the Israelites. After crossing the Red Sea and watching the pursuing Egyptians drown, “Israel saw the great work that the Lord did against the Egyptians. So the people feared the Lord and believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses” (14:31). God uses the Egyptians as means to demonstrate authority to the Israelites by striking fear and fostering belief in both himself and Moses, his surrogate.
Not only do the plagues demonstrate God’s power to the Israelites, but they also force the Egyptians to acknowledge the existence of the Israelites’ singular god. Prior to Moses’ rise to power, Pharaoh, who derives power by divine right, was the ultimate authority in Egypt. Then, Moses comes and claims to be a messenger of a higher authority than Pharaoh, a god whose authority erodes that of the gods who empower Pharaoh. The Israelites’ God must show his preeminence in order to acquire legitimacy. God wants the Egyptians to know that he is the one destroying their land. He specifically instructs Moses and Aaron to use the staff to turn the Nile to blood “in the sight of Pharaoh and of his officials” (Exodus 7:20). If God’s only desire was to bring suffering to Egypt, he could have done it covertly and remained a more mysterious God, but instead God blatantly displays his powers before the leaders of Egypt. Later, after the second plague has begun, God only removes the frogs from the houses

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