Twelve Angry Men: The Importance Of Feature Film

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Feature films have huge impact on the lives of the viewers whether it be explicit or implicit. We grow up watching various feature films in this technological era where we have societal expectations that correlate with what is displayed in movies. The importance of this and politics has to deal with the fact that many individuals expect what the movie showcases to be true, which is not always the case. Specific cases with the U.S. Bill of Rights is included into films and has cinematic license that makes people believe that the government has certain rights against citizens or that citizens don’t have a right to do something. In the films featured below, it display a lot if misconduct produced by the American government that is not correctly applied.
The fourth amendment gives the people the right to have security against the government when it comes to searches and seizures. With this amendment the officials can’t just search anyone or any location they want to, they must have probable cause and/or a warrant. Within this amendment there are a lot of vagueness as to who gets to choose what is a good “probable cause” or what can lead to getting an arrest
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How the jurors go about deliberating is never really brought into the attention to the court or to the public in general which makes it easier for other people to think the portrayal is correct. However, they make it seems if the jurors are stuffed in a hot little room and fight emotionally against each other’s opinions. In one scene, the 8th juror even pulls out a similar weapon that was used during the murder scene that he bought near the scene of the accident, which is not a legally possible. Ultimately this information can be misinterpreted with films because it isn’t information that the public is usually well aware about what is the formal way to decide on is the decision of the

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