Initially, we read earlier literature in the seminar and went on to independently find research on physical activity in adolescents. Reading earlier literature can be stimulating and/or repetitive but due to working in groups and vocally expressing our understanding of different papers I found it to widen my own knowledge and understanding. It also …show more content…
Having different opinions on what the research question was to be, gave greater depth of thought into the question as each suggestion was split apart and studied, put back together to see if it measured up. This was obviously a great benefit but unfortunately, it fell to myself and another member of the team to come up with the final question. This may have been because the rest of the team became frustrated over analysing a question and worrying about the word order did not seem as crucial to them. It may have been because of myself and the other member were too dominant within the group to allow others to think, however, I feel that this was not the case as although I am a confident person the other group member, who pushed my depth of knowledge, is a quiet person. Either way, this highlights one of the issues with group work that workload is not always equally shared. In future, I would like a procedure for group discussions that ensures each member contributes to the