Ms. Phillips
English 11-1
25 February 2015
George Washington: First American Leader George Washington has influenced American lives for many years. He was not only the first president of the Unites States, but was also the leader of the Revolutionary Army. He was a very memorable military leader. George Washington established the foundation our country is based on today. George was elected the first president of the United States, in 1789. He was the creative innovator behind the original concepts of how this country would be run. He forged the ways for the world we live in today. Many people look up to him as the first American leader. George Washington is the "Father of our country" because he had such a great influence on …show more content…
George Washington was very honorable man, but he started out just like any normal person. He started from the bottom just like any ordinary person, and had to build and work up to become the man he was. In 1732, George Washington was born in Virginia. At 14, he wanted to join the Royal Navy. His mother, Mary Washington, did not approve of this decision at all, so he was unable to join. He began his career early by becoming a surveyor. When he was 16, he traveled as a surveyor to see Virginia's western land territory. The time he spent traveling and doing this work really helped build his experience and toughness. He was most proud of his farming ability and Mount Vernon.(Key Facts about George Washington) George Washington was a very honorable man. In 1759, he married his first and only wife, Martha. It was Martha's second marriage. George and Martha had no children together. However, Martha had two kids from her first marriage and they lived in George's household. George was very private when it came to his religion and beliefs ("First Lady Biography: Martha Washington"). He attended an Anglican Church. No one really knew if he believed in the afterlife or …show more content…
He was a major and trained militia in southern Virginia. Washington's military experience started with the English and French struggles to take over in Ohio Valley. The last part of the French and Indian war, Washington went back to Mount Vernon, after he resigned. During this period when he wasn't in the military, he was selected to be one of Virginia's seven delegates. They voted to ban the importation of goods subject to British taxes ("The French and Indian War"). George's determination to go through the Delaware River on in December predicted the troubles that came up and the victory of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. On Christmas, soldiers woke up beside the Delaware River to a icy ground. The icy conditions got worse throughout the day. George's strategy was to go through the river at night, then go to Trenton, New Jersey, and strike right before sunset. Most of the men were late and did not get to the river until midnight. An extreme winter storm approached right before the men were going to cross the river. All of the boats had to go through icebergs. Washington crossed the river and then argued because he did not know if he should retreat because it was more than three hours behind schedule. Washington came to the conclusion that it was too major to quit and he had to watch as his army struggled through the icy river ("Crossing the