George Washington was an American Patriot and The First President of the United States. This man who is looked upon with favor had a humble beginning in life faced with hardships. George Washington was eleven years old when his father passed away and he had many siblings (Moore, p85). When George was still in his teen years he wanted to be a sailor and his …show more content…
Majority of our country has turned its back on our Founding Fathers and their ways. Leaving the first love: Jesus. This would sadden and bring to arm our Founding Fathers to see the starvation of the Word of God and the starvation of the liberties for the American people. Captain Ferguson, the very same who once shot at Washington; said, “The blessings and protection of Heaven are at all times necessary but especially so in times of public distress and danger” (Barton, 05/2008). Washington stated, “The [federal] government...can never be in danger of degenerating...oppressive form so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people” (n.a., 01/2000). We are a desolate people who majority of our nation has become corrupt and without the unity and the stance the foundation of our country is beginning to crumble. Ironically the first and only unanimously voted in President sought the Bible to be inaugurated into office and to swear upon; thereby seeking God in all his ways and holding him accountable (Barton, p.434). Our current president sought to corrupt this very thing by using the