George and Lennie shared a fairly strong friendship, but the relationship that they had was not one that friends should have. Because of Lennie’s disability, George could not always treat him as a friend, but sometimes more as a child. The first moment in the book that we can start to see that George feels responsible for Lennie was after they had run away from Weed, and were hiding in the woods. This was when George was starting to get very angry and scream at Lennie, he said “An’ what I got, I got you!” (11) This quote shows that George feels as if his life could be so much better and easier without Lennie, but he has to keep Lennie with him, because he feels responsible for him. After the death of Lennie’s aunt Clara, George knew that he would have to take on the responsibility of taking care of Lennie. This part of the book also is what made me think that George is more of a father to Lennie than he is a friend. I think this because George does not always talk to and treat Lennie like a friend should to another friend.
“I was jus’ fooling Lennie. Cause I want you to stay with me.” (13) This quote shows that even though George may not always treat …show more content…
When they first showed up on the ranch, when Curley was having a problem with Lennie, George was talking about how he better not mess with Lennie. He was not only saying this to point out that Lennie could do some damage to someone, but also to show that he protects Lennie and would against Curley also. Later on in the book when Lennie is talking to Crooks, they were talking about what Lennie would do if George didn’t come back from town. One thing Crooks said was, what if George gets hurt and can’t come back. Lennie got very defensive standing up and saying that no one would talk any harm to George. These two being protective over each other makes their relationship that much