It was called this because over time, the conquests that Genghis Khan made, connected the major trade cities and centers of China and Europe. There was a legal code that the empire followed, and it was known as Yassa. The code was created by Genghis Khan himself, and it was primarily based off of the common law of mongolia, but also had edicts that didn’t allow any adultery, blood feuds, bearing false witness, theft, and other such things. There were also many laws that were focused on the environment and the military, such as not being allowed to bathe in any streams or rivers, and that in the military you are required to pick up anything that the soldier in front of you dropped. If anybody didn’t comply with these rules, it was most likely punishable by death. There were tax exemptions for many religious figures and some military leaders. There was also a degree that was focused on religious …show more content…
Many of the tanguts that were a part of the Xi Xia Dynasty went against Genghis Khan’s orders to give soldiers to the army during the time when he was taking over the Khwarizm Dynasty. Genghis Khan quickly and relentlessly took over numerous Tangut cities, which led him to conquer the capital city of Ning Hia. After this, it gave no choice but for the Tangut officials to surrender to Khan, ending the revolt against him. Genghis Khan was still not satisfied with the end result of the conquering of the Tanguts, so he ordered the imperial family to all be executed. This therefore ended the Tangut family line. Genghis Khan ended up dying in 1227. We still don’t know what the exact cause of his death was, but some historians think that he may have fallen off of a horse while he was on a hunt. Other historians think that he died from a possible respiratory disease. All we know at this point is that he