The leader Genghis Kahn’s early life has very little history and there are many gaps that remain up to the historian to argue about forever. In his childhood he was known as Temujin and he was not seen as the favored son in his father’s house. He was …show more content…
He began setting up rules, they were to apply to everyone; slave, rich, poor, high status, low status, resident, visitor, and even himself he made it clear that these were not to be skirted around by the upper class, it was enforced for everyone. He removed kidnapping, this was now against the law to kidnap and enslave any Mongol citizen, this came out of his personal experience of being kidnapped. “Genghis Kahn sought to remove every source of dissensions within the ranks of his followers.” He legitimized children regardless of actual parentage. With this he outlawed the selling of women because he felt like this was treating them like animals and it was important to treat them like human beings. Adultery still remained legal as long as it didn’t create public strife. Animal thievery was always frowned upon, yet happened often. It caused the old tribes to still hold grudges with the others. Genghis Kahn took this very seriously and made it a capital offence, the penalty for stealing, execution. He made laws such as these and many more to make his empire have a feel of cohesiveness. This worked brings this part of the world under a tight hold for years to …show more content…
His empire was important, it created structure and a sense of togetherness that others would have thought impossible in the land. I find it sad that such a rich culture could be reduced to savagery and meaninglessness. They were expert warriors and created laws as fair and equal as anyone of any region. They did not farm or build great works of art, so they are therefore seen as void in many people’s eyes today. Yet if the time is taken to truly examine the way they took over vast areas it is easily seen that there is nothing inept about them. This was a people lead by a exceedingly wise man, they were unstoppable, Age was the only thing that stopped Genghis