Questions such as limitations on studies, funding, long term effects, short term effects, unintended social and cultural consequences, and health risks or benefits arise. Since this field of study is so unknown and highly overseen by government agencies, the answer to these questions are underdeveloped and immature because proper studies cannot be fully carried out. In basic terms, genetic engineering is considered controversial because it is viewed as unnatural, and something that is completely incompatible with Mother Nature. Yet, genetic engineering is not all that unnatural, for years humans have cross bred species in hopes of creating an organism with …show more content…
Ranging from feeding the world to creating a sick free society, these benefits are seen as worth the risk and encourage human, animal, and plant trials to be tested. The elimination of childhood diseases and adulthood diseases is a possibility. Some of the most deadly and incurable diseases could potentially be wiped out. For instance, Cystic Fibrosis could be completely cured with the use of genetic engineering. Food products, designed to withstand harsher conditions, such as cold or hot temperatures, and may also have more medical value such as the integration of edible vaccines, which could easily be accessible to everyone. Farm animals; produced at higher more efficient rates. Cows, for example, can be engineered to produce more milk, meat and product in general because of the ability to grow them to larger sizes (Do the pros outweigh the cons? Genetic Engineering). The pros of Genetic Engineering do not come without risk. Scientists still aren’t fully aware of health repercussions from genetically modified organisms, but, many believe that with research, genetic engineering could essentially solve health mysteries, food shortage crises, and expand society’s knowledge on the complexity of genetic