Issues in Diversity
Social Work 2200
Anjelica Montesdeoca
Weber State University
Gender Identity Gender identity is defined by being male or female, girl or boy. Females are expected to do many things. For example, cook, clean, have nice bodies, take care of the kids, some are required to have a job, etc. Males are expected to earn the income of the family, look fit, protect his family, be strong, be successful, etc. But, I feel like the expectations for both female and males has been changing with this generation. Another thing that has been changing with this is the gender identity of a person. Back-in-the-days, individuals were only known as boy or girl, and they were defined by their sexual parts. Now, people can be considered a boy, girl, or transgender. However, transgender people still don’t receive the respect they deserve. But, I believe that eventually it will be respected by the upcoming generations.
Expectations for a Female
I personally believe that females have more expectations that males. My expectations as a female from my Latino culture is to respect my husband, have kids, and be a stay at home mom. I have to cook, clean the house, take care of the kids, and make sure the kids are clean. I don’t have a say on how the money is spent, …show more content…
My parents have taught me that a man has to respect me and the decisions I make. He has to let me work if I want to. He has to include me when making household decisions. Also, he has to help me cook, clean, and take care of the children. Social media has taught me that they have to be fragile, nice, funny, and outgoing. TV shows have taught me that they have to fight for us. They have to be understanding, respectful, mysterious, and romantic. However, I know that social media and the TV shows that I watch are not realistic, and make our expectations be really