At first you avoid anything to do with that fear but soon realise that it is interfering with your life in ways that you didn 't think possible. But, just as there are instructions on how to write a letter there are instructions on how to get over your fears. Fear is sometimes the one thing holding me back from making a decision or going for something that I 've wanted for a long time, but when I finally got over my fear life became easier.
When I was growing up I had a deathly fear of getting attached to things ranging from pets, people, and even silly things like name tags. I moved a lot and things didn 't always stay the same so every time I did get attached to something I would either have to leave it behind or it would get lost during the moving process. For a while it was okay I made sure I never got too attached to anything and kept a safe distance from people I thought I would lose. But, the only thing it did was make life harder for me because I was constantly aware of everyone I spoke to and every possession I