Gambling: The Power Of Habit

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Wilson Mizner, who was an American playwright, raconteur, and entrepreneur, once said, “Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing from something.” This quote helps to understand the often results in a person’s life after getting involved with problem gambling. In the article The Power of Habit, author Charles Duhigg explains the outcome of Angie Bachmann as a gambling addict. Bachmann was a stay at home mom, then used gambling to avoid her tedious life. She became gambling addict, and was finally brought into suit by the Harrah’s Entertainment ( her casino of choice) for the huge amount of debt she had accrued. Bachmann then sued the casino for continuing to put her on the line of fire- that they took advantage of her gambling addiction because …show more content…
Gambling is a game of chance that can bring people more and more easy money, however it comes with a risk. Gambling, often described as a simple form of entertainment, has become an uncontrollable behavior to many people. Moreover, many of them do not have the consciousnesses to recognize they're responsible for their gambling losses. Angie Bachmann was one actual example. Bachmann herself argued that she was manipulated by the casino because they kept sending her many offers that she was unable to resist, free meals, free coupon, free limos, airplane rides, suites, concerts, complementary hotel, anything she wanted, but “ there is no common law duty obligating a casino operator to refrain from attempting to entice or contact gamblers”(269). In other word, Harrah just did their job to provide entertainment for guests that come into their casino, their actions were all legal. Bachmann’s fault was she could not resist the temptations of gambling and luxurious gifts. Moreover, there is a “ voluntary exclusion program” that any invidual who is aware that they suffer from gambling addiction can voluntarily request their name be added to the VEP list to legally banned from all participating casinos, and “the existence of the VEP suggests the legislature intended pathological gamblers to take personal reponsibility to prevent and protect themselves against compulsive

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