The ladder represents the way in which gamblers view the game. They feel motivated to climb the ladder to the top in order to gain as much power or money as possible. The risk of climbing to the top is the fall, and the higher one climbs up the ladder, the farther down they will fall. The insatiable apatite to achieve the highest merit as a gambler is one of the prides that keeps them motivated to reach for the stars. Gamblers arise from all walks of life from the individual that grew up with nothing to someone who had it all, and continues to want everything the world has to offer. The achievement is important to the gambler for they do not see how the consequences add up for the goals shadow these views. I think almost everyone could agree that winning the lottery would initially feel really good, but the after math could be unbearable considering the historic trends of lottery winners. Being on top isn’t necessarily always the place you would want to
The ladder represents the way in which gamblers view the game. They feel motivated to climb the ladder to the top in order to gain as much power or money as possible. The risk of climbing to the top is the fall, and the higher one climbs up the ladder, the farther down they will fall. The insatiable apatite to achieve the highest merit as a gambler is one of the prides that keeps them motivated to reach for the stars. Gamblers arise from all walks of life from the individual that grew up with nothing to someone who had it all, and continues to want everything the world has to offer. The achievement is important to the gambler for they do not see how the consequences add up for the goals shadow these views. I think almost everyone could agree that winning the lottery would initially feel really good, but the after math could be unbearable considering the historic trends of lottery winners. Being on top isn’t necessarily always the place you would want to