“Alright, I'll be there. But, you know I can't promise I can stop it, Daniel.” Gabbe's voice was gentle, placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing up and down. Her blue eyes were watching Daniel with a sympathetic look. “You have to be sure you truly want to do this, Daniel.” “I want her.” Daniel's voice broke, “I miss her so much, Gabbe – I don't know what to do.” Daniel's gray eyes welled with tears, but he quickly blinks them away. It was so easy to be weak around Gabbe, at least for Daniel. She was among the few people who tried to help Daniel every chance she had. Gabbe sighed and cupped Daniel's jaw, making him look towards her. “I'll try my best tonight to help you, Daniel.” Gabbe assures, letting her hand fall to her side. …show more content…
“I have to go now, I'll see you at the party.” Gabbe then walks around him and leaves Daniel to himself in the hallway. Daniel sighs, leaning against the wall behind him and closing his eyes.
“Hey, ready to get to Social? We're already late as Hell.” Roland said, making Daniel open him eyes to look at him. Though Daniel dreaded Social, and would have skipped – He wanted to watch Cam and Luce. Daniel nodded and slid his hands into the pockets of his jacket before walking with Roland down the stairs.
By the time Daniel and Roland slid into the auditorium, there were no seats left and they were forced to sit on the stone flooring. Daniel didn't bother to look up at the crowd behind him – In fact, he was scared to. Would Cam have Luce snuggled into his side as they watched the movie? Would they be holding hands and whispering to each other? Would they be kissing as if no one else was there. Daniel pursed his lips and tried to pay attention to the movie, but he couldn't.
Memories of Lucinda slithered into his mind, blocking out all the noise from the movie and the laughter from the impersonations being done among the students. Daniel's mind swept over to their memory of their Valentine's Day together. Their first. And their last. He had weaved hundreds of white peonies through the slender branches of a tree stump, vases of the pocks in all the surrounding tree's roots. A golden vase sat in front of the stump, filled with a bouquet of peonies. He’d strewn the ground with the peonies' delicate, white petals. He’d lit dozens of candles in small hanging lanterns all around, so that the whole clearing glowed with a magical brilliance. Daniel had been holding a wreath that he had made for her, a smile gleaming over his face. Of course, Lucinda couldn't understand the peonies – But, Daniel did. It was something they had always shared since