Dr. Lustig's Summary

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Dr. Lustig’s talk about how fructose is basically a poison was something that I never heard before. I have heard that we should limit our sugar intake, but I did not know that fructose was so bad for you. Dr. Lustig believes that sugar is a poison based on observations of current obesity trends, especially in children, and based on the pathways of the chemical breakdowns of different types of sugar. He shows the different pathways that glucose, ethanol and fructose are broken down and the similarities between fructose and ethanol are shocking. Fructose is completely broken down by the liver because our body is unable to break it down anywhere else. That is the whole reason people believe alcohol is so bad for you, and they consider it a poison. Based on his research he has found that fructose causes many of the same symptoms that alcoholics face because the breakdown is so similar to ethanol. He basically says that fructose causes almost all of the terrible side effects of alcohol, but since the fructose is not absorbed by the brain resulting in no acute side effects we don’t realize that it is as bad for us as ethanol. He believes that our societies addiction to sugar has caused what is known as the metabolic syndrome which includes the huge epidemic of obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension. This is because when fructose is being broken down by the liver it is turned into fat. A big push was made to reduce fat intake to stop the obesity epidemic however the amount of fructose our society consumed increased, so we really consume more fat than ever. Another aspect of fructose consumption that contributes to its role in causing metabolic syndrome is the fact that is does not stimulate leptin to be released. Without leptin release your brain does not realize that you have eaten enough. This results in us eating more food that most likely contains fructose, so it’s a never ending cycle of eating and not feeling full. Fructose is especially bad for us because we have limited our fiber intake which is a necessary element of our diet. He refers to fiber as the “antidote” because it would help us limit the terrible side effects of fructose. Dr. Lustig believes that the governments poor policy making and unwillingness to admit how bad fructose is for our body has contributed to our addiction to sugar. He believes that since there is so much money in exporting American food around the world that if the government admitted how bad all the fructose …show more content…
Since there is a direct link between type II diabetes and obesity I think it is best to try and promote a healthy lifestyle so that you can prevent ever getting type II diabetes. For patients that are already obese or diabetic I would still promote a healthy lifestyle. I would just try to have them shoot for little goal in order to lose weight and become healthier. I would see if they would like to be set up with a dietary specialist because every little bit of weight they lose will help them manage side effects. Overall I was shocked by the fructose talk Dr. Lustig gave. I personally did not know almost everything he said. You would think that if the government truly cared about health they would push fructose out of everything like they did with trans

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