The film by Frontline, When Kids Get Life, was one of those about a very sad topic in juvenile delinquency, when children get sentenced to life in prison. This specific program occurred in the State of Colorado and it was interesting to see the cases that happened so close to where I live. The numbers of those who were sentenced was startling. There are 2,200 youth sentenced to life across the United States and this statistic surprised me. In Colorado, the number is 45 that have been sentenced to life in prison for their actions as juveniles (Bikel. 2007).
Cases in Colorado
The first case was in 1992, one of the most heinous crimes ever committed, especially by a juvenile. Jacob Ind was 15 when he killed his parents in Woodland Park, Colorado. These types of crimes in Woodland Park were very uncommon. The Ind family seemed to be …show more content…
Alabama 567 U.S 460 (2012) instituted the penalizing of youths to “life without the possibility of parole” as unconstitutional. It was ruled that not allowing youths to be able to be released violated of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This amendment states that punishments to those convicted of crimes should be fair and this sentencing of life was not (Oyez. 2012).
In Colorado, the sentencing of automatic life without parole for juveniles was ended in 2006. Before that change in legislature, approximately 45 juveniles were send to prison between 1990 and 2006 with a sentence of “life without possibility of parole” (Bikel. 2007). In more recent years in the state of Colorado, adult correctional facilities have developed plans for those sentenced prior to 2006, before the sentencing was abolished. These plans include allowing those who have served a portion of their sentence to complete a program and then apply to the parole board to be released into society again (Oyez.