There will be a better life for people and their families, poverty levels will decrease dramatically. Andrew P. Kelly one of the authors from “Should College Be Free” states that tuition isn 't the main obstacle to student success, most of the grants given to low-income families doesn 't even cover tuition (Goldrick-Rab and Kelly A54-57). There’s a student named Stacey DeMartelaere on the article of “Real Life Student Debt Stories, Student Debt Crisis" who is in 70K student debt. DeMartelaere isn 't able to work due to health issues, her condition doesn 't allow the strength for any position (“Real”). When someone gets a student loan they must pay monthly for it, her starting price was $700 a month. On top of school and trying to get money to have a roof over her head, she wasn 't capable of paying that. Eventually her car was repossessed and she could no longer qualify for a house with her boyfriend due to all the debt. Since her medical issue isn 't something thats testable she is denied disability. The loaning company also has threaten her parents, now she has horrible credit and isn 't able to do anything (“Real”). Making at least two years of college free will close the gaps of those haves and have nots. Sooner or later higher education will be inevitable. Sara Goldrick-Rab one of the authors from “Should College Be Free” states, “The economy needs more workers with associate degrees” …show more content…
It’s something that is needed in our country to help society and become a better place. Hudson states “America thrived in the 20th century in large part because we had the most educated workforce in the world” (Hudson). There should be no barrier as to where a person could invent or even think. Fear is America’s worst trait, we always have a fear and doubt our people aren 't worthy enough to make a change. If we get free college we are more bound to make a difference in the world and become more knowledgeable. Something every human-being deserves to