Frederick Bailey Research Paper

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Born Frederick Augustus Bailey in Baltimore, Maryland 1818. Frederick struggled through childhood due to the slavery conditions at the time. In 1824, six year old Frederick Bailey moved from his home in Baltimore, Maryland to a plantation in the country called the Wye House. Just two years later, Frederick was sold off to another slave owner back in Baltimore where he was taught to read by his owner’s wife, Lucretia Auld. The learning process was a struggle do to Mr. Auld's harsh slave rules. 5 years later, Frederick Bailey Learns of the abolitionist movement to slavery. Years later when Frederick reached his adolescent years he attempted an escape but failed. He was lightly beaten but earned tightened restraints. In 1837, Frederick Bailey …show more content…
After settling himself and his family into their new home, Frederick Bailey spoke at an anti-slavery society meeting where he befriends an abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison. He then moves his family to Lynn Massachusetts and becomes completely involved in anti-slavery matters. The next year, in 1842, Frederick Bailey changes his name to Frederick Douglass, After the Scottish “Douglass” clan. Just after this event, Douglass gets a job as an anti-slavery speaker but is harshly beaten by a mob of pro-slavery white people. After healing from his wounds, Frederick has his second child, which he names Frederick Douglass II. In 1845, Frederick Douglass has his third kid, Charles Remond. The very next month, in November 1845, Douglass publishes his first autobiography about his quest for freedom. When Frederick Douglass heard of the slave hunters coming to the North, Douglass flees to England to officially obtain his freedom in the court of Great Britain. Right after he returned from England, Frederick Douglass took over his own antislavery newspaper, “The North Star.” After spending a good deal of time with the newspaper, he decided to rename it “Frederick Douglass’s Newspaper.” Here, he took his abolitionism to the next level. However, just a year running The newspaper, Frederick Douglass decided to move him and his family to Rochester NY where he

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