I couldn't see what it was that had ripped me from the ground I could only hear sinister growling. Then I caught a glimpse of these long sharp white teeth as they began tearing into my weak flesh. Screaming I tried to run but whatever it was had picked me up taking away any hope escaping. Next, I felt these big hairy hands with wicked claws beginning to cut into my smooth soft skin. A stench was coming from the creature it was so potent that I could not breathe. The taste of fear was bitter in my bloody mouth. Finally the creature loosened its grasp and I was able to elbow it in the face. Stunned it dropped me. Looking up from the ground I saw blood began to flow from its face. Completely covered with hair it was not a man, but a man likely dog a lycon. Lycons had only been a myth until now.
My survivalist instincts kicked in I used what energy I had left to get up. I ran as fast as I could; I couldn't go home knowing the hungry beast would follow me. And there my fate would be definite in the one place where I normally feel safe. So, I just ran didn't care where I was going I just had to get as far away from the killer as possible.
It was sometime before I stopped I wasn’t sure if the beast followed me. At last I found a group of men they looked like assassins about five of them. They each gave me puzzled looks when they saw me. One of them spoke but could not understand. Everything started to grow fuzzy and then it went