In Frankenstein, the protagonist does not take the time to answer why humans are unable to control life and death, but instead he focuses on how it is possible; which leads into his creation of something harmful but not noticing that because of his consistency. Frankenstein says : "Mingled with his horror, I felt the bitterness of disappointment; dreams that had been my food and pleasant rest for so long a space were now become a hell to me; and the change was so rapid, the overthrow so complete!" (Shelley 45). The horror that overcomes Frankenstein right after he creates the monster is neither because of the monster 's ugliness nor because of the horrific thought of creating it. In an earlier part of the novel, Frankenstein explains how he is comfortable in dealing with dead bodies; yet he is does not seem comfortable in dealing with this body because he feels like he does not possess the ability to control the actions of a strong creature like that. The disappointment of Frankenstein demonstrates his initial sincere …show more content…
At first, it was about changing humanity and preventing death; whereas now, his only purpose is to ensure that the monster is dead even if it costs him his life. When someone prays for a certain wish at hard times, it demonstrates his ultimate need for that wish to happen. Frankenstein 's need for vengeance has grown from William 's death up until Elizabeth 's death; on the other hand, when the monster shows Frankenstein the story behind William 's death, Frankenstein is able to overcome his anger. This shows Frankenstein 's sincere intentions for using his emotions as a way to cope with the grief of his family members ' deaths. In addition, this connects with the idea that anger can be an emotion leading into certain unchanged consequences; and replacing that with hope can lead into a better path just like what happens when Frankenstein agrees to help the monster despite being angry the crime that he committed. In the novel The Sweet Hereafter, one of the emotions that are often used to overcome the grief of the incident is also anger. The majority of the families ' victims are using lawyers to point fingers at people, which is a method of adaptation that is often helpless. Stephens describes the Walker 's