Having a hundred taco trucks in just one city basically ensures that no one truck will have a successful business, not to mention all the established restaurants that already sell tacos. By limiting the amount of food trucks permitted in the city, it ensures that consumers will have options to choose from when eating out, but will not feel overwhelmed trying to choose the best one. This cap on mobile food service establishments also ensures restaurant owners that their city will not be swarmed with food trucks, and that their business can still carry on like usual. Another important factor for cities to consider when regulating food service establishments is how close a food truck can park next to an existing restaurant. Food trucks, with no home spot, already face crisis with construction battling for their space (Document A). But a second crisis occurs with these mobile trucks: are they stealing from the "brick-and-mortar" businesses? Document D. The. With restrictions already in place to stop an excess of food trucks, Baltimore City further restricted these trucks from doing business within 100 feet of an established restaurant (Document
Having a hundred taco trucks in just one city basically ensures that no one truck will have a successful business, not to mention all the established restaurants that already sell tacos. By limiting the amount of food trucks permitted in the city, it ensures that consumers will have options to choose from when eating out, but will not feel overwhelmed trying to choose the best one. This cap on mobile food service establishments also ensures restaurant owners that their city will not be swarmed with food trucks, and that their business can still carry on like usual. Another important factor for cities to consider when regulating food service establishments is how close a food truck can park next to an existing restaurant. Food trucks, with no home spot, already face crisis with construction battling for their space (Document A). But a second crisis occurs with these mobile trucks: are they stealing from the "brick-and-mortar" businesses? Document D. The. With restrictions already in place to stop an excess of food trucks, Baltimore City further restricted these trucks from doing business within 100 feet of an established restaurant (Document