Folk Tales In Hispanic Folktales

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The Southwestern tales, which are also known as Hispanic folktales, were first told around the early nineteenth century and are still told today. Presently, the folktales are used to instill moral lessons and the meanings of religions to people of different ages, especially young children. Jose Griego y Maestas collected and presented the tales “Los tres hermanos (The Three Brothers)” and “La comadre Sebastiana (Dona Sebastiana)” in Tales from the Hispanic Southwest. The tale of “Los tres hermanos” teaches the lesson that children should be grateful to their parents. While, the tale “La comadre Sebastiana” reveals the message of social inequity in Christianity and the lesson that people should keep their promises. In “Los tres hermanos,” …show more content…
A poor woodcutter refuses to share his meal with both Jesus and the Virgin Mary to present his social injustices in Christianity. The woodcutter explains the reason that “I think you neglect the poor. You give everything to the rich and so little to the poor” (1609). Furthermore, the woodcutter only shares his meal with Death. In this tale, Death symbolizes the balance of justice because she “[doesn’t] play favorites with the wealthy because of their money, nor the beautiful because of their beauty, nor [does she] play favorites with the ugly or the old or the young. No, [she treats] us all equally” (1610). In this particular situation, the woodcutter chooses to believe in equality rather than his religion. Furthermore, one of the reasons for religion is to support believers, but some religions are contrary to the moral code. In addition, the tale uses the death of the woodcutter, due to having broken his promise to Death, to teach the listener that people must keep their promises. If not, they will pay the price with their lives. Also, people must keep promises to improve the trust between two sides, in order to make the relationships stronger and help to create a more peaceful life. People who keep their promises will gain respect from others. Additionally, the promise is like a credit card for people to show their responsibility not only to their allies, but also to the …show more content…
The tales spread from generation to generation, both to entertain and to pass on principles and ethics of human beings, easily influencing people’s minds. Moreover, the tales today are chosen by many parents to teach their children. Both tales similarly develop the moral lessons of the right ways to treat others and responsibility for what they say. On the other hand, these two tales are morality lessons, but different lessons. From the tale “Los tres hermanos” the audience learns the moral lesson that people have to respect their parents, who are the ones taking care of them. While, the tale “La comadre Sebastiana” teaches the reader that if they do not keep up their promise, they will pay for what they’ve done, even with their

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